The Book


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Intro………………………………………

About Me……………………………………………………

Who is Flylady?…………………………………………..

Why FLY?………………………………………………….

FLY Acronyms……………………………………………

Chapter 2 – Basics…………………………………………………..

What is a Launch Pad?……………………………….

What are Hotspots?……………………………………

What is a Control Journal?…………………………

Chapter 3 – Starting Out……………………………………………

First Steps………………………………………………………………….


Chapter 4 – Daily……………………………………………………….



Example Routines………………………………………

Chapter 5- Weekly/Monthly……………………………………..

Weekly Room Blessing…………………………….

Monthly Tasks………………………………………..

Chapter 6- School Organization………………………………

Desk Organization………………………………….

School Binder Organization…………………….

Random School Tips……………………………..

A/N More may be added to this list in the future. This is just the beginning!

Chapter 1 Overview


Chapter 1 is an intro to FLYing. What certain words mean, who I am, who flylady is, etc.

Chapter 1 – Intro………………………………………

About Me……………………………………………………

Who is Flylady?…………………………………………..

Why FLY?………………………………………………….

FLY Acronyms…………………………………………….

Chapter 1.1 About Me

Hi!I’m Flykid Jess :)  I LOVE LOVE LOVE looking at organizing websites. I also love when my room is organized but sometimes most of the time I’m too lazy to do it. Babysteps though,right? Anyways I am your “typical teenage girl” a bit different teenage girl. I LOVE fashion , sports, reading, blogging, swimming, etv. I started blogging the end of March 2012 (literally the end of March like the 30th) I am a cyber-schooled 8th grader freshman in highschool. I have a bad habit of biting my nails and spending way too much time on pinterest. REALLY, they should have a caution on pinterest. Back to that fashion thing. I love pink, ruffles, blue, polka dots, and purple. I am LOVING chevron right now too! Ombre I like on curtains and ruffles are right in the lead with chevron!

My current long time goal:

Staying organized this entire school year!


Chapter 1.2 Who is Flylady?

I took this directly from the website:

Marla Cilley is The FlyLady. She does not fly a plane! To keep a long story short, Marla loves to teach people to flyfish. That is how she got the name — FlyLady. Marla is a SHE (Sidetracked Home Executive). This system saved her life and continues to bless her. When Marla found the website years ago, she needed a user name for the forums. Everyone was trying to help her come up with one. When they found out that she loved to flyfish and she taught it at a local college, they came up with “FlyLady.” It is because of Marla’s SHEness that she can now teach others. On December 7, 1999, someone asked Marla for help, and the FlyLady mentoring group began. This group has always been her gift to whoever joined. All Marla ever wanted to do was help people.

And now, the name, FlyLady, has come to mean so much more. One of her members came up with a great acronym for it: Finally Loving Yourself (FLY) – this is the gift that FlyLady wants you to receive. It was only after Marla learned out how to “FLY” that she was able to become the person of her dreams. She has three rules that she lives by:

Don’t sweat the small stuff; what doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. Laugh everyday. Even if it is at yourself. Love like there is no tomorrow.

You can e-mail FlyLady at


Chapter 1.3 Why FLY?

Once again all credit for this goes to :

“This is FlyLady’s list that has grown by leaps and bounds due to her special way of weaving housecleaning tips with homespun humor and daily musings about life. She has a no-nonsense approach to getting your house and your life in order. She mixes housekeeping advice with insights about life and love and anything else that is on her mind. This list is whatever FlyLady decides it should be — it’s her list. She expects subscribers to decide if they get anything out of it or not. Those who do are invited to be part of the cyber family. Those who don’t are encouraged to unsubscribe. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you can’t figure that much out, don’t blame FlyLady!”

Once again all credit for this goes to :

Chapter 1.4 FLY Acronyms

BG:Big Grin
BO: Born Organized
BTW: By the Way
CHAOS: Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome
DH: Dear Husband
DD: Dear Daughter
DS: Dear Son
FACE: Financial Awareness Continuously Empowers
FLY: Finally Loving Yourself
{{hugs}}: A cyberhug
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
LOL: Laugh Out Loud
OT: Off Topic
OTOH: On The Other Hand
PODA: Parade of Daily Adventures (To do list)
ROTFLOL: Rolling on the Floor Laughing Out Loud
SHE: Side Tracked Home Executive
SAHM: Stay At Home Mom
STUFF: Something That Undermines Family Fun
WAHM: Work At Home Mom

Chapter 2 Overview

Hello out there! This chapter is dedicated to answering a few of the basic questions. These are major parts of the FLYing system and are big helpers when it comes to following the system.

Read on to find:

Chapter 2 – Basics…………………………………………………..

What is a Launch Pad?……………………………….

What are Hotspots?……………………………………

What is a Control Journal?………………………….

Chapter 2.1 What is a Launch Pad?

A lauch pad is a spot where you lay out your clothes and anything you are going to need for the next day. I have a plastic bin but some people use a shelf or a basket. A chair also works! As long as it is a space that is contained.

Chapter 2.2 What is a Hotspot?

A hotspot is a surface that builds up clutter. It is a dumping spot for you. Example for me personally are the kitchen table (right by the door), my launch pad, my desk, etc.

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA Picture credit Google Images

Chapter 2.3 What is a Control Journal?

A control journal is a binder with your routines, zones, phone numbers, etc. It holds important information to help you FLY and stay organized!

Chapter 3 Overview

Chapter 3 is about where you need to start. It continues on to talk about exactly what steps to take to continue your journey.

Chapter 3 – Starting Out……………………………………………

First Steps………………………………………………………………….


Chapter 3.1 First Steps

So now that you have all this information – how does it fit together? In this chapter and the next I am going to show you how to start applying this knowledge to your life. The first steps to take to jump into this thing called FLYlady. Your first step is to create 2 very simple routines. The Before Bed Routine and The Morning Routine. Both self – explanatory in the name. The BBR (Before Bed Routine) starts as soon as Dinner is over. Your MR (Morning Routine) starts as soon as you wake up.

Example Routines:

Before Bed Routine:

– Lay Clothes Out

– Pack Backpack

– Pack Lunch

Morning Routine:

– Make Bed

– Get Dressed

– Eat Breakfast

I am most definitely not saying this is all you have to do! You are going to have to brush your teeth too but these are the major things then those little things you can just keep doing like you normally would. Eventually you will add more to your routines and they will become longer – for now, keep it simple.

Now that you have these routines – make it a habit to complete them. Maybe you could use an incentive. For example if your mom shines her sink she gets a star. If you make your bed you could get a star! Talk this over with your parents – they may agree to let you re paint your room if you can keep it neat or something like that.

Chapter 3.2 Babysteps

First of all, babysteps are little steps you take to create a habit or one little thing you change. Your first babystep was to create routines and follow through with them.

–          Your next step will be to do zones. Chapter 4.2 is all about zones.

–          Then you will start adding more items to your routines like:

  • Do your dishes
  • Put clothes in hamper
  • Zone of the day

–          Finally you want to add the weekly room blessing. This is an adaption from flyladys weekly home blessing. More about this in Chapter 5.1.

Chapter 4 Overview

Chapter 4 covers the daily things you will be doing – routines and zones. We have covered routines some previously in chapter 3. We will get more into routines in this chapter though. Zones were mentioned also in chapter 3, but once again, we will dig deeper and I will give you the zones of your room.

Chapter 4 – Daily……………………………………………………….



Chapter 4.1 Routines

Routines are lists of things you do every morning and night. You start small with your routines – three to four things. Then as you make your routines a habit you add more items to that list. There is a “myth” that your routines keep you tied down when in reality they give you freedom. You complete your routines you are ready to take on whatever is thrown your way. It supposedly takes 21 days to create a habit but for us SHE it takes 28 days.

Chapter 4.2 Zones

Zones split up your room into certain spaces. Then you just spend 5-10 minutes a day working in that area. This breaks it up so you don’t have to spend 2 hours cleaning your room on Saturday. The zones go like this.

Monday is Zone 1.  Your bed, clearing off your nightstands, and getting rid of the trash. Empty your trash cans.

Tuesday is Zone 2. Your Closet: Hang up your clothes; make sure your dirty clothes are put in your laundry basket. Wash your clothes and put them away.

Wednesday is Zone 3. Your Floor. Pick up all the clothes and trash off your floor and go get the vacuum and vacuum without being told to. You just have to get the middles. I don’t expect you to vacuum like your perfectionist mother does. This is your room and it doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to be done once a week. Set your timer for 10 minutes and you can stop when the timer goes off.

Thursday is Zone 4. Your Desk. Throw away the trash and papers on your desk. Get rid of any soda can and bottles and take all the dishes back to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. Clear off your desk so you can work. This is one of our hotspots that collects the most clutter. With your desk cleared off you may be able to focus on your homework.

 Friday is Zone 5. Your Bathroom. Once a week, clean the shower while you are in it and then sweep the floor and mop with a wet rag or damp towel. Then toss this in the laundry.

This is taken directly from the Student Control Journal from

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